Because thyroid hormone remains in your system for an extended period, taking it once a day ensures consistent levels of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream.
When thyroid hormones are used to treat hypothyroidism, treatment aims to keep thyroid function within the same range as a person without thyroid problems. This is done by keeping the TSH level within the normal range.
The best time to take thyroid hormones is typically on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. This is because food in the stomach can affect the absorption of thyroid hormone. If you are taking several other medications, you should discuss the timing of your thyroid hormone dose with your physician.
As an alternative, taking your thyroid hormone at bedtime can make it simpler to prevent your thyroid hormone from interacting with food or other medications.
Overall, the most important thing is to be consistent and take your thyroid hormone in the same way every day.
Do not stop your thyroid hormone without discussing this with your physician. Most thyroid problems are permanent; therefore, most patients require thyroid hormone for life.
It is very important that your thyroid hormone and TSH levels are checked at least annually, even if you are feeling fine so that your thyroid hormone dose can be adjusted if needed.